
Ah, poetry.  I hadn’t written much poetry since school.  After I read a number of beautiful poems written by WordPress pals, I was inspired, though terrified, to dip my pen.  I am now hooked.

I realize now that writing my poetry feels familiar because it involves much of what I love about my dancing: communication, rhythm, patterns or lack thereof, dynamic changes, self-expression, the often infuriating creative process :), the exploration of the meaningful through art….

Poetry offers me an outlet for mining the vast richness of written language to begin a dialogue.  The challenge for me: make my words paint and dance!


7 Responses to poetry

  1. F.G.M. says:

    … et tu as relevé le défi avec grâce, talent et puissance, comme un dance… 🙂

    • SirenaTales says:

      Ah, Frederic, you warm my heart with this abundant praise, especially coming from your potent pen…”grace, talent et puissance” sont des traits que je garde precieusement,oaver le tresor de ma dance. Thank you!!!! xxo p.s. Nous tutoyons maintenant?

      • F.G.M. says:

        Sure! We can’t do in English, mais nous pouvons le faire en français 🙂 xxo

  2. F.G.M. says:

    and I make mistake in my own comments, I’m sorry – comme unE dance 🙂 shame on me 🙂

  3. Eileen says:

    make my words paint and dance…..lovely and magical.

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