Passion: Jet Pack

Ah, yes. In some ways, this post seems as if from another lifetime. As much as my optimal experiences still flow so often from dancing, I realize that they are expanded and illuminated by dancing WITH other dancing souls. One year into the pandemic, those group experiences come almost exclusively via Zoom, for which I am grateful. And which is a very different kettle of fish. My aching for dancing with others is palpable. Until the weather softens and we can dance together outdoors again, I show up for my dancing alone. Day in, day out…trying to keep the flame burning, staying open for the transporting transcendence of flow when it graces me.

Sirena Tales

I started to write about the amazing fuel that passion constitutes, inspired both by  a movie we just watched and my recent dance experience. I realized that there at least two posts in all of this.

When I moseyed through my archives to avoid repetition, I found this post from two years ago.  It says, with a few tweaks, what I’d still like to convey:

It’s 12:30 a.m. and I’m completely revved. Even though my intense, rockin’ dance class with powerhouse teacher K ended five hours ago. Even though my body is completely exhausted, wrung out.

I’m still jazzed despite the fact that since class roared to a finish, I’ve driven the long ride home, eaten dinner, done a couple of loads of laundry, taken a jacuzzi, talked with family members near and far, and written another post. Sleep, anyone?

Photo credit: Essennelle Studios Photo credit: Essennelle Studios

The funny thing is I almost…

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2 Responses to Passion: Jet Pack

  1. terryshen says:

    Wonderful Sirena. You‘re the lucky few. Follow your passion & live it to the fullest. You will not regret the effort.

    • Sirena says:

      Thank you, Terry. Yes, I am grateful to be fortunate enough to pursue my dance passion…more challenging these days of the pandemic. I hope you are well…and running?

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