Catch A Wave: Moving, and Living, With More Ease

Let’s allow the dance to dance us, and then just go along for the ride.

That was my suggestion today when I taught my weekly Contemporary Modern Dance class (on Zoom). One reason I adore this movement, which harnesses momentum and involves fall and recovery repeatedly, is that it calls to us to use the appropriate amount of effort and no more. For those overachievers and overdoers among us, performing this type of dancing is an opportunity to practice ease, going with the flow.

Make no mistake, this movement is not easy, nor is it lazy. In fact, it is highly athletic and vigorous.

To dance well in this way, though, we need to release (the illusion of) control and surrender to the freedom in harnessing momentum. Catch the wave and wheeeeeeee….

The more we do this, the more organic and safe the movement is. Yes, if we push too hard, we not only use up energy unnecessarily and run out of steam too soon, but we also increase the risk of injury by landing too hard or being too rigid to go with the flow.

Plus, it’s more fun to ride that wave!

As is so often the case, as in dance, so it is in life. The sustainable path is one in which we exert the right amount of energy, especially in these days of enormous challenge and global exhaustion. If we gently shift our egos from center stage and invest the right dollop of effort, we can keep going longer. We open up possibilities as we wrest our chokehold on life. And our bodies, and souls, don’t bear the brunt of overdoing.

While I have been practicing this approach to movement for a long time, I am still far from any semblance of mastery. And I have a really looooooonnngg way to go in catching and riding the wave outside the dance studio in everyday life.

So, I keep practicing. With dancing, with life. Aiming for release and catching the wave. Even for brief, shining moments. Those moments? Breathtaking!

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