Spaciousness: Life Lessons from Dancing


Having abundant space or roominess. Being large in range or scope.

These qualities have been my focus for quite awhile for my dancing and teaching dance.  Taking up more space when we move and constantly striving for the most expansive range of movement within our bodies–those are two ways to create exciting dance that is full of possibility.

Spacious dancing.

Recently, I’ve realized that this somewhat obvious notion of capaciousness is only part of the picture.  That roominess in our minds, in our thought processes, are at least as important.

For instance, when we take dance class, if we keep our minds and hearts more open, more available, we can learn new ways of moving, of both “the steps” and how to execute them.  We are also more efficient in our learning because we haven’t boxed ourselves into a smaller place, a place of “no” or “I can’t,” which we then have to work to extricate ourselves from. Or, worse, we stay trapped in that limited space and don’t grow in our art.  Spaciousness allows ideas and emotions room to breathe and multiply.

So, lately, when I teach and talk about spaciousness, I make sure I invite the dancers to sustain a roominess in their approach to class.  I remind myself, too.

These reminders came back to me today when a loved one was digging her heels in on trying something new that was likely going to make her life easier, more pleasurable. Looking back on the conversation, I can even see her body language reflect restriction, constriction.

I know how challenging and even scary it can be to cultivate expansiveness.  We’re not sure we will like something or be good at it or will understand it or recognize ourselves in our new territory.  In dance, I’ve seen time and again dancers build a wall, whether consciously or not, where no wall was needed.  And they ended up walled off, walled in, instead of bursting out into the sunlight and fresh air of possibility.

You can sense the limitations in dancing like this.  It’s small, somehow.  Whether cramped spatially or conceptually or soulfully.

I’ve come to understand that the same can be said of living.  Sure, it takes courage and doggedness and awareness and practice to plumb vastness.  The result is a greater vibrancy.

Challenging? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely!

Photo credits–2nd from top courtesy of Nikki Cararra © 2016; bottom–Christina Goldberg; Sculpture–Gil Boro

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5 Responses to Spaciousness: Life Lessons from Dancing

  1. I just made a big change, one that involved conflict, budget and a small learning curve.
    I’ve had an iPhone for about six years. I love iPhones. I also have an iPad.
    But I just made the switch to a Pixel 3 phone. Yikes! It’s different!
    Thanks techie friend is visiting right now and helping me get around a few issues.
    I’ve installed Google apps on my iPad so the to work together smoothly. A few more tweaks and I’ll be a pro!

  2. Sirena says:

    Reblogged this on Sirena Tales and commented:

    Ahhhhh, spaciousness. I’ve been ruminating about that glorious sense a lot lately. Heading into year 2 of the pandemic, into the universal daunt of confinement, especially here in the northeast during a snowy winter, I’ve also felt deeply the constriction of space in the context of dancing. Doing big movement in the inviting expanse of a studio? Love it! And have lost it for the past year. Yes, I was so fortunate to have danced outdoors in the warmer months (which carries its own toll on the body). Back at it, dancing in our homes, how to keep cultivating the freedom and roominess I so adore? Many thanks to the terrific meditation coach, Jeff Warren (on the Calm app), for reminding me of the answer. Developing expansiveness inside ourselves. Sure, we no longer have available all of our usual escape routes on the outside. The journey within? Always there for us…calling for us to explore and expand. So, today in dance class, we practiced again and again opening up internal space, in the face of the limits of our rooms, our bodies, and, of course, minds. Breath after breath, releasing, reaching. And again. A invaluable practice for dance and for life.

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